


TEDxRyukyu 2013: 午前の部ハイライト: Highlight of the Morning session.



We started our program with TEDTalk video of the collaboration of the electric five strings cello and blind folding of Origami.
We also used this video in our 2010 event. It is short (3 min), and the contents of the video quickly attracts audience into TED like atomosphere.



Takako Miyahira/Kukuruvision: She is a producer of the movie "Karakara" and the director of the movie "Lookin for Anne".
She started with an episode of a notebook she wrote in her college age. She maked each leaf of the note for her one year of life and tried to fill it with what to do in that year. This attempt ended with astonishment that she can't even fill a single notebook with her whole life plan. Then she decided that she will lots of notebooks with her life story. And she found that shooting a movie is something like several years of life experience and she talks about it.

photo by Keita Teruya

次はRichard Grahamさんの英語教育についてのプレゼンテーション。彼は、日本の英語教育が「間違わないように」という呪縛のせいで、効果的に機能しないことを指摘します。人はやりたいことを間違いを恐れずに実行し、その間違いを修正することで進歩して行く。日本では、なぜ英語教育でそれが行われないのか(実はそれ以外の教科でもそうである)、そこから脱却するにはどうしたらいいのかを、彼自身が実践する英語教育のスタイルを通じて語ります。

Richard Graham/Genki English: He is an English teacher who has doubt about the way Japanese English teachers do their job. Education in Japan teaches how "not to fail" and it hinders "trial and error" experience which nourishes motivation and improvement.
He talks how to get out of it with Genki attitude, along with his teaching method with Genkiness.

photo by Keita Teruya

プレゼンターは荒木大河君。荒木君はInternational Biology Olympiad 2012 シルバーメダル受賞者です。

Taiga Araki: He made his presentation live and online from US. He is a silver medalist of the International Biology Olympiad 2012. In his time at the Olympiad he made lots of firends from abroad and he decided to go to the university in the US and he made it.
He talks about his life story and the study about Slime Mold and his interpretation of the word "innovation".

photo by Keita Teruya

高井さんは、海底のいわゆるハイドロサーマルベント、地底のマグマ層からの高温の熱水吹き出し孔での研究を進めており、その周辺での生物学、ベントからのレアメタルの回収、その熱水での発電の可能性などについて、沖縄近海のベントを例に語りました。彼はそれを、マンガ「ワンピース」の主人公ルフィが海賊であると同時に探検家であることで、 自分自身になぞらえて語ります。

Ken Takai: He is the program drector of the deep earth exploration ship "Chikyu (the Earth) at JAMSTEC. With the help of azymuth thrusters and GPS, Chikyu can locate itself within meters of drift on the ocean, which enables her to drill deep sea bed into several kilometers. He explores the hydrothermal vents with lots of fruitful outcomes, and talks about it with analogy to Japanese manga "One Piece", in which main character the pirate Lufy explores the unknown world.

photo by Keita Teruya


TEDTalk video: Robert Lang: It's about Origami folding. It's four simple mathematical principles enable the computer to generate whatever pattaer needed, resulting in amazing artistic origami, as well as the use of it in the area of science such as medicine and astronomy.



The last program in the morning session was a presentation of Okinawan fabric Bingata  explained by Ms. Azuki Shiroma and Chisa Oshiro, with Classical Okinawan Dance by Yukako Majikina, the Second Master of Okinawan Dance School Shin-yo ryu.

photo by Keita Teruya


It was a sunny day, and the speakers, participants and staff enjoyed their lunch (a vegan lunch box by Noahstyle) on the lawn near the Auditorium.

photo by Keita Teruya

TEDxRyukyu 2013のその他の写真はこちら

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